Building Antifragility Supply Chains with Visibility

Amidst recent disruptions in the supply chain, thriving requires more than mere uncertainty managementā€”it demands a paradigm shift, transforming challenges into strategic advantages. Developed by bestselling author Nassim Nicholas Taleb in ‘Antifragile,’ this concept revolutionizes our approach to supply chains. Unlike ‘resilience,’ which merely aims to restore pre-crisis norms, mere recovery isn’t sufficient. Let’s collaboratively…

Supply Chain Resilience: Leveraging N-tier Supply Visibility & AI to uncover then address critical vulnerabilities

Volatility in supply chains is not going away. Traditional approaches have not worked well to prepare companies in front of massive disruptions. We will share how a number of leading companies are creating a competitive advantage by leveraging n-tier visibility of their supply network coupled with AI to ā€œstress testā€ their supply chain (a pioneering…

The new imperative: Supply chain transformation with connected planning

In today’s hyper-connected world, there are three core imperatives for future-ready supply chains: Visibility, Analytics, & Planning. This presentation delves into the transformative potential of Connected Planning, exploring how linking every facet of the supply chain, from Tier N suppliers & logistic providers to end customers, can revolutionize traditional planning methodologies. We’ll uncover the tangible…

Modern Supply Chain Design

Changing society and political environments, rising complexities and surging risks require a new approach for modern supply chain design. Join experts from Accenture as they explain how these challenges are causing import/export costs to explode. See how to measure your global trade maturity and uncover opportunities for savings.